The Greatest

RIP Champ June 3, 2016

Birdman at Musée du Louvre

Sometimes the street is a wonderful place. While walking the grounds of the Louvre I encountered this special soul.

Statue of Neptune on the fountain in Piazza della Signoria in Florence, Italy.

Statue of Neptune on the fountain on Piazza della Signoria in Florence, Italy. This was taken about midnight in the Piazza. It was one of those nights when everything seemed perfect – location, light, temperature and the energy in the Piazza.

Faith – Norton Point

There is nothing like black and white on the beach.


A sunny day on Martha’s Vineyard’s Norton Point in 2005, sitting under an umbrella watching the kids in the ocean. Direct and defused lighting made this an interesting shot. I converted to Black and White in Silver Efex Pro then cleaned up in Photoshop.

ron boire

This is a place where I share photographs and subjects that may interest my family, friends and anyone that appreciates photography. – ron